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Published on August 14, 2004 By Austin Gage In Movies & TV & Books
Ok so has anyone read Aliens Vs Predator: Prey. I t was part one of a series where a human female hunts with the Predators. I thought this movie was a decent retelling of that book. I didn't walk it to the theatre expecting oscar-winning performances or any semblance of a plot. All I cared about were Aliens Vs Predators and that's what I got. I keep hearing about this "hybrid" that popped out at the end. Well if the Alien that popped out of the Predators chest was a hybrid, then are the Aliens that pop out of a humans chest hybrids? Yea I think there should have been waaaaay more ass kickin in the movie. Yeah I was bitter about the fact that everything seemed to be rushed. And yeah I was like "oh so you are right under the sacrificial chamber? good thing you looked at your compass CUZ THE GLOWSTICK SHOULD HAVE GAVE YOU SOME CLUE!". And I thought the film was way to dark. Obviously a way to save on cgi and special effects. Same with the wacky camera angles and close up fighting. And when did the Predators get the star from Krull? But come on, Aliens and Predators threw down baby. Just for that alone I enjoyed it.
on Aug 14, 2004
>> And I thought the film was way to dark. >>

What did ya expect? a happy ending? lol

I liked it too.