Batman Begins, director Christopher Nolan's highly anticipated film, has commenced production in Iceland, with Gary Oldman joining the all-star cast. The announcement was made today by Jeff Robinov, President of Production, Warner Bros. Pictures.
In Batman Begins, Oldman will play Lieutenant James Gordon, a detective on the Gotham police force. The film stars Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman; Michael Caine as his trusted butler Alfred; Katie Holmes as Rachel, a childhood friend of Wayne's; Liam Neeson as Wayne's mentor, Henri Ducard; Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox, a former board member and sidelined employee of Wayne Enterprises; and Ken Watanabe as the villainous Ra's Al Ghul.
Directed by Christopher Nolan from a screenplay by David Goyer and Christopher Nolan, Batman Begins is produced by Emma Thomas, Charles Roven and Larry Franco. The executive producers are Ben Melniker and Michael Uslan. The film is based on characters created by Bob Kane and published by DC Comics.
Batman Begins is scheduled to film in Iceland, London and Chicago.
The film, which explores the origins of the Batman legend and the Dark Knight's emergence as a force for good in Gotham, will be released worldwide in Summer 2005 by Warner Bros. Pictures, a Warner Bros. Entertainment Company.